Posts with the category “church”

Where is the Truthfulness in America?
March 24th, 2024
Where is the truthfulness in America today? The version of the truth you are presented with depends on the website you read or television network you watch. This same reality is observed on almost eve...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
The Government Makes Policy, The Church Serves People
March 24th, 2024
During my 2014-2016 tenure as president of our nation’s largest body of Evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention, we adopted a resolution “On Refugee Ministry.”Recognizing the global mass d...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
5 Ways You Can Increase Your Intentionality in Your Personal Walk with Christ
March 23rd, 2024
There are no shortcuts in your personal walk with Jesus Christ. Just as an athlete has to train their body in order to perform at the maximum level when competition occurs, we even more need to train ...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Tithing is Not Taboo: Generosity is Better Than Greed
March 23rd, 2024
Tithing is the spiritual practice of honoring God by giving the first tenth of your entire income to your local church. Tithing is not taboo, meaning it is not banned, prohibited, or forbidden. Your c...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
The Pastor and His Prayers in Public Worship Services
March 23rd, 2024
In the past few years, I have given a clear and consistent call to bring prayer back into public worship services in the church. I want to lift up a specific and significant way to do this today.We Ne...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
The Pastor and His Marriage
March 23rd, 2024
Jeana and I have been married for forty-seven years. After we’d been married for eighteen years and Jeana would mention to my Mom some crazy thing I had done, she would say, “You have now had him ...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Pastors, Teach Your People How to Walk with God
March 23rd, 2024
As pastors, we have been entrusted with the privilege of teaching people the Bible.I am committed to God’s inerrant and infallible Word and its final authority for all we believe and practice... per...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Pastors, Lead Wisely
March 23rd, 2024
Wisdom is seeing and living life from God’s perspective. Pastors need to live and lead wisely. How?Today, I want to challenge you to take these four actions to lead wisely:1. Live in the Word of God...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Pastors and Their Children
March 23rd, 2024
One of the greatest legacies of any pastor is for his children to grow up loving God and loving the Church passionately.Yet, this is often not the story of the children of a pastor. Why? Unfortunately...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
My Letter to All Ministers
March 23rd, 2024
Dear Fellow Ministers,In recent weeks, I have felt the need to write a special letter to you.Speaking at a convention on Monday night and in Washington, DC on Thursday, and spending time with other mi...  Read More
by Miguel Gamboa
Good Seasons in Your Life and Leadership
March 23rd, 2024
As football teams begin their final preparations for the season, optimism abounds. Whether these teams compete at the high school, college, or professional level, they are working toward a great and w...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Four Key Questions for Church Leaders
March 23rd, 2024
One of the most difficult things as a church leader is knowing the right questions to ask. I believe when we discover these four key questions, we will find it easier to make the right decisions for t...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Every Hill You Face is Not Worth Dying On
March 22nd, 2024
The greatest leadership lesson I have ever learned is: Every hill you face is not worth dying on. If I had practiced this in my previous churches and perhaps during the first few years here, I believe...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
Developing Your Staff Team
March 22nd, 2024
There are many ways a leader can develop their staff team, but I have never found a better way than allocating time away from the office together. In fact, whether it be days or hours, the end will re...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
30 Lessons I Have Learned in Leadership Through Leading the Same Organization for 30 Years
March 22nd, 2024
ESPN produces a series of documentary films entitled 30 for 30. They highlight important people and events in sports history. Each of these is powerful and highly engaging.Today, I want to share with ...  Read More
by Dr, Ronnie Floyd
6 Tips for Raising Your Children in Ministry
March 22nd, 2024
Raising our children in ministry was a true joy for Jeana and me. We knew God had called us; we never even implied there was another option. Therefore, our children knew it as a joyful lifestyle.Yet, ...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
5 Keys to 47 Years of Marriage Together
March 22nd, 2024
On December 31, 2023, we celebrated forty seven years of marriage together. While the years have gone by so fast, we have experienced some long days.We are both very committed to pouring into the live...  Read More
by By Dr. Ronnie and Jeana Floyd
5 Keys in a Pastors Marriage
March 22nd, 2024
Following a pastor’s personal salvation and his surrender to the call of God to ministry, I believe his choice of a wife is the most critical decision he can make relating to his life and ministry. ...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd
3 Secrets to Pastoral Longevity
March 22nd, 2024
Twenty-nine years ago this week, following God’s call to our lives, my very young family and I moved to Northwest Arkansas. I would have never imagined that one day I would be writing about my pasto...  Read More
by Dr. Ronnie Floyd